Weird Joe kent is a Christian Nationalist
Weird Joe Kent spins his lies
Weird Joe Kent is hiding out.
Make no mistake, much like every other Republican weirdo, Joe Kent depends on conspiracies and lies in order to sway voters and gain his way into Congress. He'll say anything to get elected, and half the time he'll actually believe the nonsense he spews.  Covid Anti-vaxx Baloney? He's all on board with that. Election Denial? If it conveniently hides his Republican anti-democracy, vote suppression agenda, he’ll shout “Rigged” from the rooftops! Secret Deep-state Malarky? Weird Joe Kent loves babbling about this without a shred of evidence. Climate Change Denial? Weird Joe Kent maintains that keeping one’s head the sand is the way to go instead of doing the hard job of studying science and taking effective preventative measures! It's surprising that his head hasn't exploded from holding so much cognitive dissonance and willful ignorance!     No matter what misinformation or lies Weird Joe Kent believes, one truth is evident: Washington Voters don't want a Conspiracy Nut representing our needs in congress!

for the majority of voters in
Washington District #3
and is the WRONG choice for Congress!